2017년 12월 15일 금요일

WSUS에서 윈도우10이 윈도우비스타로 나타날 경우 해결책

Windows 2012 R2 WSUS 사용시 윈도우10 클라이언트가 Vista로 나올 때 해결 방법
링크에 파일을 다운 받아 패치 하면 됨 (#링크)

원문 (#링크)

1. You need the following patches on your server, if you are up to date then its not really needed.
2. You will need to install the following:
It gave me bollocks about having to restart the server, I didn’t bother…
3. Download and extract the SQL Script here and save it to your C: drive.
4. Open a command prompt prompt as Administrator and change directory to the default sqlcmd directory. You can just copy and paste this:
cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\110\Tools\Binn

5. Run the sql command by copying and pasting this:
SQLCMD.EXE -S np:\\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query -i c:\SQL.sql >c:\output.txt

You can check the output file in the C drive, check the bottom of the file for:
Statistics for all tables have been updated.
Done updating statistics.2015-08-05 09:38:29.950
Then restart the “Update Services” on the server (click start and type services.msc)
Open WSUS and hit opens and run a server clean up. Then make sure you have chosen to install Windows 10 updates in the products and classifications section of options.

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